Integrity Chamber

+ 1 (721) 542 8904

8:00am to 5:00pm

Integrity Chamber Provides Integrity Session to Division Labor Affairs and Social Services

Integrity Chamber Provides Integrity Session to Division Labor Affairs and Social Services

On November 8, 2023, the Integrity Chamber provided an integrity session to Division Labor Affairs and Social Services, requested by Division Head, Peggy-Ann Dros-Richardson. The session was led by Policy Advisor, Gabi Fuchs and Communication Officer, Kevin James.

The subject of integrity was discussed, both from a general perspective and from the unique standpoint of the Division Labor Affairs and Social Services. Suggestions were provided on ways in which integrity could be promoted and maintained within the organisation.

Various scenarios of potential integrity issues were presented interactively, and viewpoints were exchanged. The topics highlighted issues such as relationships, side jobs, and inappropriate behaviour after work hours. The participants were encouraged to be mindful of how their actions as civil servants would reflect on the organisation and the Government. Various aspects of integrity that were specific to the duties and responsibilities of the Division were emphasized. Practical tips were provided on how integrity could be embedded within the organisation.

The Integrity Chamber appreciated the opportunity to provide the session and will continue to offer its services to the community.

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